In Act 1, scene 3, both Polonius and Laertes advise Ophelia, and Polonius also advises Laertes. Respond to ONE of the following questions:
1.What advice would you, as a parent, give to your child when he or she sets off for college? Focus on 2-3 important ideas and develop each idea fully (explain the advice clearly, AND explain why this advice is so critical).
2. What advice would you, as an older brother or sister, give to your younger sibling when you depart for college, leaving your sister or brother behind? Focus on 2-3 important ideas and develop each idea fully (explain the advice clearly, AND explain why this advice is so critical).
DO NOT repeat your classmates' ideas; if someone has discussed the advice you would have given, choose different advice or response to a different option.
All responses are due by 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 1st.
I haven’t really decided on what I would say to my little sister when I leave for college because it won’t happen until a few months from now, but I think I’d give her advice on high school and behaving at home. I would tell her how I experienced high school, and how important it is to focus and do the best you can because its way different from middle school; a public one at that. I’d explain how she can’t misbehave at home because our parents are stressed out enough and I’ve put them through a lot, and I really don’t want her putting them through even more stress.
ReplyDeleteI would encourage her to join a lot of clubs, participate in as many school activities she can, and to have fun. I wouldn’t want her going through high school and not getting the full experience.
This advice is critical because no big sister wants to see her little sister sad or stressed about anything and I feel that this advice would lessen the stress factors during her high school years.
The advice I would give to my child as he or she would go onto college would be many different ideas, thoughts and worries. Every parent doesnt want to have to say goodbye to their child but they do because they love them that much. In Hamlet when Polonius advices Ophelia about not sleeping with Hamlet that is a different relation but like college hes doing it because he cares about her and doesnt want her to make smart decisions. When talking to your child about college you want to make them aware of what wrong and right decisions they can make, even though they are probably going to make mistakes anyways. When you take the time to talk to them about it like Polonius did to Ophelia it is something that begins to stick more in their head, even if it doesnt seem like their listening they will always learn something from it.
ReplyDeleteThere is a lot of advice a parent can give their son or daughter when they depart for college as a parent. But some advice may be irrelevant since some parents may have never gone to college. One of the things that I as a parent would tell my child is to stay on top of their school work. A lot of times, teachers give all your work at the start of the semester and due dates and you complete it at your leisure. You should have set times when you do those assignments. Those professors and teachers don't care about you. You are just another number to them. They could care less if you are failing. Another thing is to make friends. You do not want to spend all your years of college with no friends. You need to get out and do things with your friends every once in while. You do not want to stay all huddled up in your dormroom all the time. One thing is to not join a fraternity or sorrority right away. You really need to settle in before you really start thinking about that stuff. Have fun but have too much fun. A lot of kids drop out of college because they don't do their work and party too much. That is one thing I would not allow my kid to do to themself.
ReplyDeleteAs a parent, prepairing your child for college is a big deal. Keep in mind that your child is leaving home almost permanently to study for they will being doing for the rest of their life.
ReplyDeleteThe first bit of advice I have to give is to get involved. Dont waste your college experience, because for most, it only happens once. So make the most of it. Find what you are interested in and do that with others of the same intrest. Participate in many school functions and join many clubs, but not too much.
Which brings me to my next point. In college one thing you need to do is stick to your studies. Having fun is completely okay as long as you are doing what you are supposed to be doing. Stick to your responsabilites. We (your parents) are not paying thousands of dollars per year for you to slack off and party.
Lastly, DO NOT DO ANYTHING STUPID. If you are caught drinking under age then there could be so dire consequences, for example, loss of drivers license, loss of scholarship, or even losing the privelege to going to the school at all! If you are in training for certain careers such as secondary education, underaged drinking will permanently destroy those chances.
In advising my child who is going away to college,I would give similiar advice as my parents gave me when I was leaving to go to America for the first time. I would tell my child to use his or her head: to think before acting, to use his or her time wisely, and to be careful of danger. I would tell my child not to take risks and never to walk alone. I would also say to be sure to ask for help and not to be shy. I would advise my chilren to allow time for fun and recreation. I would explain that my chil is an adult and whatever he or she does will stay with them for the rest of his or her life.
ReplyDeleteAlthough I haven’t been to college yet I think I could still give some good advice to a younger sibling. I would tell them to prepare the best they can during high school because it can only help in the long run. I would tell them how that the more they put into their high school experience with studies, extracurricular activities and their social life, the better they will be prepared for college. I could tell about my first hand experience knowing that everything you do in high school will affect the outcome. From freshman year until senior year it all counts in getting into the best college you can.
ReplyDeleteI would also tell them to be good while I’m gone. I’d make sure to tell them to be respectful to our parents at home and to mature so that they are ready to face the adult world. This is important because college is a lot different than high school because you aren’t a child anymore and you will be treated as an adult.
As a senior preparing to move on in life, I really haven't had the chance to look back and truly reflect on my lifetime in high school. When the time comes I may impart many different forms of advice to my sibling, and I may not, time will tell. I could tell him to keep himself safe, stay away from the stupid and idiotic things people our age do. I could warn him about dating, about how it's just high school and that people will break up with you. That you can't act like it's the end of the world when someone leaves you. I could give him just a few words of care. I could say that I'll miss him and that I was glad we had the time we had together. Any of these things could be imparted to him on my last day home. I will be five hours away, and visits will be difficult, so I am certain, that when the time comes, I will know exactly what to say. And I am sure that it will be worth a thousand words and more to him because he's my brother.
ReplyDeleteI agree with allot of advise that Polonius gave Laertes. If I was a parent and my son/daughter was going to college I think I would give very similar advice. For example, Polonius told his son to use good judgment. This is very important to tell people that are going to college because they are given allot of freedom. They are learning how to handle life on their own but they don’t know how to do that yet so it’s important that they make responsible choices.
ReplyDeleteAnother wise thing Polonius told Laertes was to be true to him. This is important for a college student because they are trying to figure out what they want to do with their lives. I think it’s essential to keep your personality, skills, and talents in mind when you chose a career because otherwise you’ll end up doing something you hate. For this reason I would also telling my future child/children to always be true to who they are.
As an experienced "high schooler" I believe as a young adult I could give a lot of advice to a younger sibling. Everybody has their flaws, faces challenges, and overcomes obstacles throughout their lifetime. It is a sense of independence and security which will lead anybody to a bright future. As a senior in highschool I have dealt with many problems we temd to face in our high school career. We overcome them and are ready to face the future which leads to happiness.
ReplyDeleteThere is much advice I would give to a younger sibling such as make right choices, make your highschool expeience worth while, and never give up on any goal you try to achieve. All of these insights are just a few ways you can prepare for the next chapter in your lifetime.
If I were a parent and my child was leaving for college I would give them tips or advice so they know what to expect.
ReplyDeleteFirst I would tell my child that college is a blast and it's all good to meet new friends but they got to stay focused. They got to meet friends who know how to have a good time but meet those people who don't abuse themselves with drugs and alcohol. You don't need those things to have a fun time so I would enforce my child to stay away from that.
Next I would tell them to stay focused on school work. Since they would be living on their own I would not be around to see if they are studying or doing homewrok. So I would try to sink into their head that they need to do good and not mess around but I don't want them to locked in their room the whole time I want to also have fun too.
The final thing I would do is to try and get some inside sources to help them with their major. Because if they find a good person then maybe that person would help them with a good job later in life. That would be great for them to start their lives.
As a senior in high school and graduating in about three months, I could provide my younger sister who is currently in 7th grade tons of advice preparing for college.
ReplyDeleteOne of the most important piece of advice I would tell my sister is that your school work comes first. She will soon how critical her first three years of high school will be based on her grades. It will be hard for her because she will be playing sports and going into the drama department, but she needs to understand school work comes before everything.
The next piece of advice I would give my sister is get involved early and often. I have met so many people over these four years based on prior grade school and sports. But one of the best ways to meet new people is getting involved with different clubs and activites.
The final tip I would give to my sister would be even though we all have obstacles to overcome and challenges to take on, but live high school to the fullest and she will accomplish anything she puts her mind to. If she studies hard, gets involved, and is social active, nothing can stop her from acheiving her goal in life.
I will be leaving behind a younger brother and a younger sister for college within the year, and I have not yet thought seriously about what I will say to them, but, I do have a little bit of experience with this situation. When I was about to begin my sophomore year of high school my older brother was about to begin his freshman year at college, that meant moving away from home. I can honestly say that my older brother is my best friend and has been for a long time now, so when he moved away it was hard for especially me but my entire family as well. Unfortunately I do not have a relationship with my younger siblings that is quite as close as mine and my older brothers’ relationship. So I do not think that my leaving will affect my family as much, but I will be a longer distance away from my family than my brother is, meaning I will not be able to visit home as much. When my brother left he did not give me any advice, but I did learn how important he was to our family once he did leave, so when I leave I will probably just tell my younger siblings to be strong and that I am only a phone call away for whenever they need me.
ReplyDeleteWhen I have a child and its time for them to go to college, I would give them as much advise as I possibly could. I think the 1st and most important thing high school could say is to make sure school is your 1st priority. College is not like high school, no teacher will be there to baby you if you miss a homework and give you an extra day. College is the most important step in your academic life so do the very best you can. Another piece of advise I would give is to be careful. Theres alot of different people up there and you cant just trust everyone you meet up there. You will be fine up there as long as you stay away from the wrong crowd. My last thing of advise would be to have fun. Although college is very important and you cant mess around, you need to have fun. If you can have fun at college and balance out your school work, you could end up loving every moment of the whole experience.
ReplyDeleteFrom parents point of view i would tell my son/daughter is to make sure you always have your school studies come first over everything. I'm not saying that be the only thing you do in college but make sure you always leave time for studying. Another thing i would tell them is to have fun and make friends because college should be the best years of your life. But also you always have to be smart and careful about what you do and where you go. Have fun but be responsible about your actions.
ReplyDeleteWhen I leave for college this summer I want my little brothers to know that they should have their main focus on their academics. They haven't even had the high school experience yet so I would also tell them not to give into peer pressure in doing drugs. I would tell them that if you do drugs it will effect their athletic ability and it is not worth it. I would tell them that through this impossible world be true to yourself, your family and your faith. I would want them to stay close with God, so they can be guided to the best path. Also I would tell them that no goal is to far, and do your best to make your dreams a reality.
ReplyDeleteAs the older sibling and having two younger brothers I care alot about their saft. They seem to be young and alot more reckless then I was at their age. One will be 17 and the other will be 15 in one month. They are both in highschool but doing A LOT more then I would have been doing as a junior and freshman. Im only close with one of them, and he's a freshman. His name is Jamie and im going to miss him like crazy if he goes to an away college.
ReplyDeleteThe biggest advice I could give to him would be not to drink, school comes ffirst! The last thing he would need is to get introuble and get kicked out of school. If hes going to plegde to anything ill tell him to wait untill you get through your first simester of college. He is one of the smartest kids I know and he already knows what he wants to do with his life.
Another bit of advice I would give him is to join alot of clubs and activities. They help you better know your peers and what kind of people you'll be surrounded by for the next four years of his life. He's funny, so no matter what he's going to make new friends.
Seeing that my older brother already went off to college 4 years ago, I have an idea what I would say to younger siblings while I am gone. First off to all the siblings I would be leaving behind I would tell them all to respect eachother and their parents and try not to get into fights with eachother to make it easy on the mom and dad. Second off I would make sure to tell them to not get arrested or get into anything illegal, just to make sure that they don't end up in prison as a result of me going to college, I don't think that would be very good... And the final thing I would say before I left would have to be make sure you study hard and it all pays off in the end for the better.