When should you listen to people in authority? When should you follow your own wishes or your own conscience? Why? Is there a set test or checklist you can rely on to determine when to listen, or do you need to make your decisions on a case-by-case basis? How much do you need to weigh the possible consequences and repercussions for listening to leaders or for listening to your own instincts? Support your ideas with specific evidence from life, literature, society, or history.
As always, your response must be two full paragraphs. Make sure you proofread your work. DO NOT repeat your classmates' ideas.
All responses are due by 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 10th.
When it comes to listening to people in authority there is times that it is the right thing to do and there is times that it is required to do. For example, if you have a job it is required to listen to your manager if you would like to keep a good place at your job. You also need to keep in mind that you cannot let people walk all over you and you need to know when someone is taking it to far. I believe there isnt a checklist for what is right and what isnt right, it is just something you need to know. You never really know when a decision is going to come to you so it is better to just take things case by case.
ReplyDeleteWhen discusses decisions and consequences I believe you should always weigh out your options because if not it can result in something not so good towards you, just by taking the time out to think can make a huge impact on your everyday life.
When our country seems to be in trouble our country always seems to turn to the president for all sorts of help because the people see him as an actual leadership role. Sometimes i do think that it is ok to follow your own concience only when your on a personal peroblem of yours then you can follow your own heart.
ReplyDeleteYou always have to way your options but sometimes thats not always a very good decision because you never know how its actually going to end anyway.
Considering authority and when to follow is, it is really a case by case. Authority is a great tool that has been in society for as long as many has been. There is an underlying factor in authority and it is morals. Every person has different morals but also people do also share the same morals. Sometimes authority should be ignorned or rejected from making decisions.
ReplyDeleteFor example, the Chinese government which is headed by the socialist party. They believe that they may only have one child per household. If a family has more than that, they are either killed or orphaned. In this instance, the authority of the Chinese government should be ignored.
Sometimes, it is the right thing to do to listen to authoriry. It just makes things easier if you simply follow the rules you are given. For example, at school if you are given a set of guidelines, as long as you do not violate them, no body in authority will bother you. If you are employed at a job, you are going to want to keep yourself in line if you want to keep making money at that establishment. But, on the other side of things, there are also times where it is okay to defy authority's wishes. Sometimes people abuse their power and take things too far and that is where you need to draw the line. You need to learn to not let people take advantage of you throughout your life. If someone is being disrespectful and rude then you should tell them that you will not accept it. They are not always right, you just need to know how far is too far.
ReplyDeleteAt times authority figures are a source of order, justice, and right judgement. We follow leaders because we trust they will make choices best for us. However, in some cases what authority says is not always the right thing to do, let alone moral or in good conscience.
ReplyDeleteI feel that we should always bear in mind our basic morals when making decisions. what it truly right and truly wrong should always come first. Then I feel we should go on a case by case basis. For example, a family member surviving solely on life support asks for us to 'pull the plug'. Our conscience tells us that is a bad idea because they will die, but in that case the person no longer wishes to suffer and in truth, it is what they feel is best for them. In other cases an authority figure may tell us that it is a good thing to hate a race of people because they are flawed in x amount of ways. To believe and follow this would be a wrong choice because it goes against all moral value most people uphold. For example, Hitler and his Nazis manipulated the German people into believing that races including Jews, Gypsies, and those with mental and physical handicaps where inferior and should be killed. This is a horrible idea yet many believed it to be true and followed Hitler. This is just one example of many that show how in some cases, authority doesn't always know best.
I think you should listen to authority only if they respect you and have reason to be in authority. You should listen to people such as cops or other figures of authority. These types of people are trying to keep you safe and the rules they enforce are in the best interest of the rest of your community. You should follow your own wishes only if the person who is giving you commands does not respect you. If they don’t show respect you should not show it back.
ReplyDeleteThere is no checklist of when to listen and when not to but you should always think ahead to see how you act toward people in authority and how it might affect you. If a cop tells you to do something you should probably do it unless you want to go to jail. If a person tells you to do something you know is wrong you should tell them your reason for not doing it and see if they can ask someone else to do it. Overall you should use your best judgment when dealing with authority figures and listen to them or deal with the consequences.
I feel that a person should always be their own individual and make their own decisions about doing something. I don’t feel that people should follow another set of people because they have a higher authority level. For example, if you’re out with your friends and they’re all smoking and ask you to join you shouldn’t do it because they asked or because everyone else was doing. I do believe on the other hand that there’s certain authority figures you must listen to and follow their directions; like your teacher, parents, boss, and etc. Having your own voice is important and your ideas won’t be heard if you’re being a follower of someone else.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion there isn’t a set checklist on when you should follow directions or make your own choices. If you’re put in an uncomfortable situation or someone’s pressuring you into doing something you should definitely follow your own instincts, but if you’re being taught something or someone is trying to protect you from harm you should definitely respect their authority.
You should listen to people of authority when they have more authority then you. For example you should always listen to your parents and the law before you go and do your own thing. Doing your own thing can lead to bad decisions and can get you in trouble.
ReplyDeleteI think you should follow your own decisions though when you get older and gain more responsiblities. By making your own smart decisions it leads to you becoming wiser in the future and a more mature adult. You just still must remember to always respect the others with more authority then you.
I believe authority shapes our educational purposes, social skills, and any other miscellaneous circumstances. Even though people have free will, without authority we would not have any sets of rules to follow. Leaders and authority are chosen for the good of the community and usually try to make an impact on society. I believe people underestimate authority at times and lose a sense of trust.
ReplyDeleteIf you truly know you are correct in anything you should always follow your instinct. I believe there is a set of rules to generally follow but not a certain checklist. The checklist would make people want to rebel on authority even more if they do not spite their opinion. I also think consequences weigh any persons decision because they do not want to face any aftermath of their crime. Generally laws are just a structure for our society and we have the power and choice to make our own decisions freely.
Authority figures are mean to protect us and keep safe from natural and man made dangers. They make laws to make sure people stay in line and when you cross that line, that's when the concequences happen. People should listen to authority everytime because they are always right no matter what. The only time i think its exceptable to go against the authority is in a life or death situation. If that is the circumstance then i think you should be able to do any means necessary to make sure you stay alive and others around you stay alive. I think in a situation like this the consequences shouldn't be harsh if you were looking out for the well beng of yourself and others.
ReplyDeleteI think that determining whether to obey someone in authority or not should be made on a case by case basis. Certainly in situations that involve a person like your boss at work or your teacher at school it is probably better to obey them than to not. Not obeying in these situations may lead to negative repercussions. But this isn't necessarily always the best thing to do. Like for example, if your boss or teacher told you to do something illegal or immoral then it probably would be better to not obey them.
ReplyDeleteI think the main guideline for deciding whether to listen to someone or not is to listen to your conscience. If what the person tells you to do seems wrong or immoral then you probably shouldn't do it. Usually what someone in authority tells you to do is something you should do, but listen to your conscience. I think this should come before you weigh the consequeces and that the moral choice should be what is chosen because generally the moral choice leads to better consequences anyway.
There are alot of everyday people who have authority. Teachers, Principles, Disciplinary,Parents, ext. In my personal opinion I think you should listen to people with authority when the time is right and the reasoning is fair. One example used for this is if your in school in a class and you have your phone out, IF it was not a case of emergency the teacher has no right to the phone, but if you were texting a friend next to you it was so unnecessary and the teacher had the right to take your phone away. You should only fallow your own conscience if you feel and know in your heart that your right and the other person with authority is wrong, because sometimes people with authority try to over due thier power and try to run things.
ReplyDeleteThere is no such thing as a checklist or set test to determine when to listen to someone. Even when someone who has no authority once so ever is speaking you should always listen to what someone has to say no matter what the case may be. I think moral choices are better because usually the consequences arent as bad.
I think it necessary to always listen to authority if, that is, the given authority figure has the right to be just that. Listening to what one is told is very important because rules and regulations and limitations are not put in place for no reason, they are put in place for the well being of the general public. As annoying as it might be sometimes, the status quo is what keeps us safe. The only instances where defying authority would be accepted in my eyes would be an issue concerning ones morals and ethical point of view on a given situation. Every person knows the difference between right and wrong and not a single one of us is any more correct than another but it’s the principal of having those morals that matters and that can be acted on as long as it does not hurt anyone. Every person needs to form their own sense of what’s just and what isn’t, what’s logical, moral, or ethical, etc. because simply accepting and taking in everything that one is told would cause one to not be able to think for one’s self and he or she would have no sense of reality. Although I think acting on one’s instincts that are based on one’s moral views is good, one must always be considerate and conscious of the future and how actions, words, or lack thereof can affect it. One instance in history that I think can be comparable would be Germany in the early 1900s. When Hitler came to power, everyone either supported him or was too scared to go against him when they should have acted on their instincts and did the right things.
ReplyDeletePeople should always listen to authourity because authority is there for a reason. You should always follow your conscience since authority says otherwise. The only time you shouldnt listen to authority is whe3n you feel that authority is corrupt or when you feel that authority is putting your life in damger.