Thursday, January 6, 2011

2-5: Blogging about War

Find a current (from 2010 or 2011) blog or article about war; the focus could be on either a present-day war or a past war. Include the blog or article's url so that we can go to the site; include the title of the blog or article; if you use a blog, include the date(s) of the entry or entries you read. Use the following questions to guide your comments:

- What opinions does the writer express?
- What reasons does the writer give for these opinions?
- Do the writer's opinions surprise you? Why or why not?
- What insights does the blog provide into the effects of war on individuals and/ or on society?

All responses are due by 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, January 12th.


    The Birds Of Hope: With A Black Hawk Medevac Unit In Afghanistan

    This is an article on a medical unit that is air lifting wounded children from Afghanistan.
    The article tells us how two soldiers carry two wounded children to a black hawk helicopter to be air lifted to medical facilities.
    The children were wounded because of a conflict between the soldiers and a shooter.
    This article is written with a negative attitude towards war itself, but has a hopeful attitude due to the "birds of hope."
    The writer, says "they were right when war is hell" to describe his feelings towards war, but then says "but even in hell we can find mercy" which is his way of saying, not everything is terrible. The author approaches the situation with an optimistic feel about these rescue attempts.This article shows that even people who kill others show mercy to others. Allowing us to understand that not all hope is lost.

    North Korea bombs South Korea's Yeonpyeong Island

    The article I read is about the recent bombardment of North Korea on the island belonging to the South.
    The writer thinks that it is a proof of a serious further escalation of tensions on the Korean Peninsula.
    The writer proves this tension with such reasons: dozens of artileries used in the bombing, North Korea's experiments about nuclear weapons, and the North's military provocation.
    The writer's opinion really surprised me, because it has been quite a long time since this kind of tension between the North and South built up. Since the year of 2000, the North and South have tried to have a peaceful relationship, thus accelarating the process of reunification. I never thought that the North would take such an aggressive attitude and actually attack the South.
    The writer of the article is very worried about the possibility of the breakout of war. He thinks that, if war ever takes place, the war would include not only the two Korean countries but countries in the world, which is one possibility of WWIII. He expresses his opinion about how war should never break out and how war can negatively impact the people in the world.

    Title of an article: N.Korea warns of 'scared war'
    This article is about the posiblilty that can cause a war between North Korean and South Korea. The writer is basically expressing South Korea's patience would bring peace to South Korea but it did not. Because of Sounth Korea's president Lee Myung-Park's thoughtless decision.
    Because If the president really take care of people of his country, he would not just care of his pride. He needed to take care of people first. Even China said North Korea's strong reaction is not unexpected.
    It does not surprise me becasue I had same thoughts with the writer. Patience always makes peace and decisions by pride can be harmful for other people.
    This articels shows that how the president acting results people get scared.

    In this article the author clearly states from the beginning that the war is a mistake. She has several reasons to support her argument. The First reason is the affects that the war had on the US, such as over 4,400 soldiers died in war and more than 31,000 were physically disabled from the war. The war also cost us over 700 billion dollars. Another reason that the author gives is that our involvement in the strengthened Iran’s power on Iraq. This is bad because iran already held allot of nuclear power in the world.
    The author’s opinion does not surprise me because allot of people that I’ve talked to agree with the authors point of view in this article. They feel that the US should not be engaged in this war, and from I know about the war I agree with them as well. There is allot of evidence to back this opinion up, like the ones that the author lists that I explained above and I don’t think there are as many to justify the war. This gives the reader insight to the effects of war, because it shows that it makes the citizens bitter and angry with their government. When people disagree with war they tend to disagree with their government entirely. Seeing the authors very unwavering feelings about the war shows the reader how upset people can react.

    The blog I read was called War Stories. It was written by Tod Waffe on January 8th, 2011 at 7:38 PM. In the blog, Tod discusses the fact that he greatly enjoys hearing first-hand accounts of the war. This is evident because he clearly states it in the blog post. The author also asks for anyone who reads his blog to leave a story they have heard about the war or something they have personally experienced in war. Many people have done just that and left accounts of the war. There are at least 3 pages of readers who have left responses.
    The fact that many people replied to the wish of the author shows that the author is a respected individual in the blogging industry. However, this is the first blog about war posted by this author. All of his other blogs are about many different things, none of which are even closely related to war. The fact that the author enjoys hearing war stories shows that he is interested in the war and all the historical things that war entails.

  6. I chose an article from the Washington post, about the true cost of the war. Its basically talking about what the war in Iraq has done to our economy. The author asks questions that make you think, such as whether the price of gas would have gone up so rapidly or would we be in an economic crysis. the author believes that not only would we be have a higher standing with the rest of the world, but our economy would be much stronger if we never entered the war. i have to agree with the author, however i do believe we did the right thing by entering the war, america would be a much stronger country economically if we never entered the war. i completely agree with the author though because all of the points they gave made perfect sense to me. I think that if we never entered the war, we wouldnt be in such a economic crysis. Because of the war, we couldnt focus on fixing our economy or the unemployment rate and that is whats killing america. I cant say that if we didnt enter the war that things would be different because thats just an educated guess but my belief is that we would be much better off

    How to Remember Pearl Harbor. December 7, 2010, by Mary L. Dudziak.
    In this blog Mary is touching on what happen took place at Pearl Harbor. Mary tell us the location of the attack (Hawaii). Mary also tells us how the president did not want to go into the war yet after the attack on Pearl Harbor, the president than declared that the U.S.A was entering the war. Mary also touches on how WWII had begun with the bombing of Pearl Harbor.
    I believe that Mary did a pretty good job overall on accomplishing what she set out to do as said in the title “How to remember Pearl Harbor”. The reason I feel this way is because it is one hundred percent true, the fact that the president wasn’t going to get involved in the war until they were basically lured into the war by the attack on Pearl Harbor. Also, I feel that Mary makes a good point is because you won’t forget about Pearl Harbor because it was a start to a huge war were the U.S defeated powerful Germany and Japan.


    when i read this atricale i htink that the reader is very emotionless kind of as if he doesn't care about the people in the war at all but the only thing he majorly cares about is the lack of work he thinks president obama is doing cause it has taken a little bit over a year to make a plan of how we get our men out of the war in Afghanistan or how the people currently fighting can suppress the acts of terrorist organizations

    U.S. Support For War Fades As Casualities Mount
    By James Doran and Tim Reid
    The woman in the article has a husband that is currently fighting in the war. This article is about how people are starting to back out of supporting the war because they are getting sick of so many U.S. soldiers dying in this unnecessarily prolonged war. She has these reasons because she is saying that she is sick of her husband fighting for these people that do not respect him and how many of his friends have died. She also does not like the fact that she does not know the exact date that he will be coming back home. Her opinions do not surprise me at all. I completely agree with her in the fact that she does not support the war. Many people who have close family members or friends in war are not happy about it. This blog provides great insight on how individuals are affected by war by showing how many people do not support that fact that all these soliders are still fighting in Iraq. It seems like no one even knows why we are fighting anymore. We are just over there with all our troops and those soldiers are somebody's family and are greatly missed.

    City Upon a Hill of Scraps: Surviving on Scavenging in Iraq
    This article is about the people that are living in the slums of Baghdad that are rummaging through trash and trying to find cans or any metal they can sell for mearly pocket change. The author of this article expresses that the Iraqi government is pretty much killing their own citizens by not provding food, water, sewage system, and housing. According to the government there is about 600,000 squatters, or people living on land they don't own, living on the outskirts of Baghdad. The author interviews a young father Mr Tarish, 22. Mr Tarish explains how he goes out to collect trash at about midnight and won't return until about 4 in the morning. The author thinks that government should provide some sort of support for these poor citizens because these people are going to die from either starvation or diease. These opinions don't surprise me at all because i totally agree with what he is saying. The government is treating the citizens as wild animals and it isn' right. This articles shows use that Iraq's economy has hit rock bottom since this war has started. It hasdo nothing besides cause death and poverty in the lives of the Iraqi citizens.


    The Writer of this article expresses that 2010 of the war in the middle east was the deadliest year out of all ten years. in his charts, he shows that the number of casualties has skyrocketed through the roof. the first year had only 5 casualties, by 2010 we had nearly 500. I believe many people would find these facts rather upsetting and shocking, I sure did. According to Obama, we are going to the these troops out of the Middle-East by 2014, "come Hell or high-water" as Biden had said. I think the writer chose to write this article because many Americans are probably not realizing how many people have passed in the war to protect our country. Most of us Americans take this country for granted as many brave souls are out fighting for our freedom and protection from terrorists. This article provides the insight that more and more of our friends over seas are losing their lives to serve our country and it's time for us to move out.

    CNN - Soldier finds his voice blogging from Iraq
    This article is about a soldier from the Iraq war and he writes about his experiences from the war. He tries to help the other soldiers to express their feelings and thoughts too. He feels that if the soldiers blog about their experience from the war, people who read it will see what its really like and don't take it for granted. One lady said that his blog about his experience was a lot better detail than the report she saw on TV the one day. The writer also says he wants President Obama to pull the soldiers out because he feels that the war is very destructive and he does not want people to die. He also said the US had no business to be in Iraq and wants the soldiers to come home.
    The writers opinions do not suprise me because I have a cousins thats over there and he loves to call the US and talk about anything to get his mind cleared so its not on his chest. The only thing my cousins can't do is talk about what he did or where specifically he is because that can come back and hurt him or his friends. So I like the idea for the soldiers to blog and clear their minds. Also I think we had no business to go to Iraq but its hard to pull the soldiers out because then things over there will get out of hand. I think we should slowly pull people out but also keep an eye on the Iraqis.
    The writer said since hes been home nothing has been good. First his wife left him when he came home and now hes lonely. Also the army said he has post-traumatic stress disorder, and this has kept him from returning to duty over seas. So we see that war makes everything more difficult and frustrating. I feel bad for this guy but he has done a lot for this country and we should respect him a lot.


    The War in Iraq is wrong.

    The writer of this blog clearly states numerous times that she thinks the war in Iraq is being fought for an unjust cause. She also talks about how Obama should withdraw the soldiers from the war. Her opinions are firm because she talks about how Obama has done something that she has been waiting for for a long time, and that is health care. Because of this, she believes that he will take action on this war and do what she believes will be best. The writer’s opinions really don’t surprise me because when it comes to political topics, there will always be groups of people who think one way, and another group of people who think the other. I don’t think that you can surprise me with an opinion because there will always be that mix of thoughts. This blog provides information that most people are against war and would like to stop having their friends and family die fighting for someone else’s cause. I personally have a good friend who is in the army right now and it’s not the greatest feeling knowing that he is in danger.
